Hands-on Engineering

hands on engineering LP

About this Course

Explore the emerging technologies and applications of medtech devices using computer-aided design, 3-D printing, and material testing. Students will design, build, and test a medtech device. 


Location: University Lab Partners

5270 California Ave., Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92617


Held on the following Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

 APR 19 - FULL

For High School and Undergraduate Students

This experience will offer the next step in training for students by providing meaningful skill development in the laboratory.


Learn cutting-edge life science research techniques

Research methodology training alongside industry mentorship and advisory.


Utilize state-of-the-art
research instrumentation

Our labs are equipped with over $3M of state-of-the art scientific instrumentation used in R&D.


Gain knowledge about emerging life science careers

Unique opportunity to work alongside leading industry professionals who will provide mentorship and career advisory.


Gain a competitive advantage when entering higher education or the workforce

Gain hands-on technical training so you have that relevant 1st experience on your resume.


Build real-world skills

Further develop professional and interpersonal skills so you can thrive in all aspects of life.


Low student-instructor ratio for meaningful experience

Class size is limited to 6 students to ensure low student-instructor ratios and a rich educational experience.


Scholarship Opportunities Available

Tuition is $220 and includes all laboratory materials.

All 1-day classes will require an application and all students will be considered for need-based scholarships at the time of application. ULP will notify scholarship recipients at the time of acceptance.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the tuition for the program?

The tuition is $220.00 including all laboratory materials.

What are the prerequisites?
  • High school, college student, or professional.

  • Deep interest in pursuing academic research opportunities and/or career in biotechnology and life sciences.

Where is the class taught?

The class is taught at University Lab Partners.

5270 California Ave., Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92617 

Is there a dress code?

For safety reasons, all participants are required to wear long pants and closed-toed shoes. If you do not arrive in proper attire, you will not be allowed to participate in laboratory activities. Please tie long hair back and do not wear dangling jewelry such as bracelets and earrings. All other personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses) will be provided.

Who is the program taught by?

Click here to view the Education Team.

What is the refund policy?

Click here for University Lab Partner's refund policy.