Capital and Talent: How to Attract Both for Your Early-Stage MedTech Firm
Kwame Ulmer will discuss his observations of common themes among startup founding teams and how to overcome the two key activities of any startup: Getting capital and talent to fuel the business. Some key topics covered: What are the practical and proven sources of capital for pre-prototype and prototype stage companies? What is the best way to approach venture capitalists and when? How do you identify the talent you need? From first hires to board members to advisors? What are events to place on ones calendar and how to participate in a cash efficient manner?
Biocom harnesses the collective power and experience of the most innovative and productive life science clusters in the world, with powerful advocacy and transformative programs to help companies in their quest to improve the human condition. Biocom provides the strongest public voice for research institutions and companies that fuel the California economy.
Kwame Ulmer is a Venture Partner at Wavemaker Three-Sixty Health - the leading southern-California based, early-stage venture capital firm (Seed and Series A) focused on the healthcare industry. He serves as the MedTech practice lead and participates in all aspects of fund management (e.g. deal sourcing, diligence, negotiation and advising portfolio company management teams). Kwame brings nearly twenty years of experience evaluating medical technologies in the government and private sector, and serving in senior operating roles at medical device companies. He has personally evaluated more than 1,000 medical technologies in his career. Kwame served at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in progressive leadership roles, including Deputy Director and Branch Chief. He was formerly the Vice President, RegulatoryAffairs and Quality Assurance at Implant Direct, a Danaher Corporation operating company. He is a member of Tech Coast Angels (LA), the world’s largest angel investing network. Mr. Ulmer is a lecturer at the University of California Los Angeles Anderson School of Management and serves on the board of the University of Virginia Licensing & Ventures Group. Kwame earned his B.S. in Physics from Lincoln University, and has two Masters degrees from the University of Virginia, in Materials Engineering and Business Administration.
The SBDC @ UCI Beall Applied Innovation is a resource for any high-technology, high-growth, scalable venture from both the Orange County and UCI ecosystem that needs assistance with business planning, business development and funding-readiness. The center hosts several VC and Angel investors on site, as well as various ecosystem partners and industry professionals who work closely with the entrepreneurs.
Meet with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
Whether you’re looking for guidance with starting your new tech venture, obtaining angel or venture capital, or looking for SBIR/STTR assistance, we're here for you!
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM PT
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